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Aug 5, 2015

Bill and Myron are back after a short summer  hiatus for episode 89 of The Podcast of Oa.  The two host talk about all the recent casting rumors for the upcoming Green Lantern Corps film including the recent revelation that Chris Pine is not going to be playing Hal Jordan after all and the recent rash of social media posturing by a number of actors.

The conversation shifts to July's new comic books and Green Lantern issue 42.  Myron and Bill are happy to see Black Hand return, complete with newer more deadly powers thanks to his interactions with the Source Wall during the GodHead storyline.  Both hosts are happy with themselves over the confirmation in Green Lantern: The Lost Army #2 of their theory about where, or when, the Green Lantern Corps have disappeared.  Myron also shares his initial thoughts on the IDW Star Trek / Green Lantern crossover event.

The Podcast of Oa is the official podcast of The Blog of Oa and a proud member of the Comics Podcast Network. Share your comments and questions by calling the show’s voicemail line at 406-PODOFOA (406-763-6362) while Skype users can leave a voicemail on the show's account, blogofoa. Send your emails to You can also find the Blog and Podcast of Oa on Facebook and Google+. 
The Podcast of Oa is sponsored by Heroes Your Mom Threw Out Comic Shop. Green Lantern and other related characters are the copyrighted property of DC Comics Inc. and are used without permission. The Blog of Oa and The Podcast of Oa are fan productions and do not claim any ownership over the Green Lantern or any other copyrighted properties. 

Show Links:
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Show Notes
00:00:00 Intro
00:01:49 Green Lantern casting
00:19:42 Green Lantern #42
00:32:37 Green Lantern: The Lost Army #2
00:45:31 Sinestro #13
00:55:10 Star Trek / Green Lantern #1
01:00:08 Closing