Aug 5, 2015
The conversation shifts to July's new comic books and Green
Lantern issue 42. Myron and Bill are happy to see Black
Hand return, complete with newer more deadly powers thanks to his
interactions with the Source Wall during the GodHead
storyline. Both hosts are happy with themselves over the
confirmation in Green Lantern: The Lost Army #2 of their
theory about where, or when, the Green Lantern Corps have
disappeared. Myron also shares his initial thoughts on the
IDW Star Trek / Green Lantern crossover event.
Heroes Your
Mom Threw Out Comics (
00:00:00 Intro
00:01:49 Green Lantern casting
00:19:42 Green Lantern #42
00:32:37 Green Lantern: The Lost Army #2
00:45:31 Sinestro #13
00:55:10 Star Trek / Green Lantern #1
01:00:08 Closing