Jun 27, 2012
We continue to celebrate the first year anniversary of the Podcast of Oa with episode 24. Bill Giancoli and Myron Rumsey talk about Red Lanterns #10 and for the first time since the launch of the book both hosts are not filled with rage! Green Lantern #10 concludes the "Secret of the Indigo Tribe" arc in epic fashion. Myron and Bill share their opinions on Alan Scott's sexual preference and the recent news about the Justice League movie, plus we look back on one "Legacy: The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan" which helped pave the way for the return of the Green Lantern Corps.
The Podcast of Oa is the official podcast of the Blog of Oa and a proud member of the Comics Podcast Network. Share your comments and questions by calling the show’s voicemail line at 406-PODOFOA (406-763-6362) while Skype users can leave a voicemail on the show's account, blogofoa. Send your emails to greenlantern@stny.rr.com. You can also find the Blog and Podcast of Oa on Facebook and Google+.
Green Lantern and other related characters are the copyrighted property of DC Comics Inc. and are used without permission. The Blog of Oa and the Podcast of Oa are fan productions and do not claim any ownership over the Green Lantern or any other copyrighted properties.
Show Links: Raging Bullets www.ragingbullets.com
Show Notes
00:00:00 Intro
00:06:25 Red Lanterns #10
00:17:49 Alan Scott and Earth 2 #2
00:36:27 Justice League Movie
01:13:00 Green Lantern #10
01:31:43 Legacy: The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan
01:52:22 Closing