Jun 25, 2012
In this very special episode of the Podcast of Oa hosts Bill Giancoli and Myron Rumsey celebrate the first year of the show by spending an hour with Giancarlo Volpe, Producer on the Green Lantern animated series aring on the Carttoon Network. In our exclusive conversation with Giancarlo we talk about some of the high points from the first season, some of the tough creative choices that the show's producers had to make, and a little bit about what we can expect from the second half of the first seaon.
There's some previously never before heard information from Giancarlo about the show including some of what was cut from the finale episode, "Homecoming" as well as confirmation on the appearance of a couple of characters and tease about the villain we'll see this fall when episodes resume. All this and some great talk about Razer, Aya, Carol Ferris' cleavage and Goggan fart humor highlight this very special episode!
The Podcast of Oa is the official podcast of the Blog of Oa and a proud member of the Comics Podcast Network.
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Green Lantern and other related characters are the copyrighted property of DC Comics Inc. and are used without permission. The Blog of Oa and the Podcast of Oa are fan productions and do not claim any ownership over the Green Lantern or any other copyrighted properties.
Show Notes
00:00:00 Intro
00:02:28 Giancarlo Volpe Conversation
01:13:09 Closing