Jul 7, 2015
Episode 88 of The Podcast of Oa jumps into the post-Convergence DCU with discussion about the mini relaunches of Green Lantern and Sinestro and the debut of Green Lantern: The Lost Army. Co-hosts Bill Giancoli and Myron Rumsey talk about Hal's new direction as a renegade space rogue in Green Lantern #41 and the emerging threat posed by what happened to the Source Wall during the GodHead event. Conversation turns to Sinestro #12 where Sinestro is converting WarWorld into an even greater threat in a universe where the Green Lantern Corps is no longer poses an obstacle for him.
Myron shares his theories about where (or when) the Green Lantern Corps has disappeared to as he and Bill discuss the first issue of Green Lantern: The Lost Army. The co-hosts also respond to listener feedback and questions about Hal Jordan's return to the Justice League and when would be a good time for readers to jump on the title. Myron also recaps some of the recent Green Lantern casting rumors with the hope that this year's San Diego Comic-Con will come with an official announcement.
Heroes Your
Mom Threw Out Comics (www.momthrewout.com)
00:00:00 Intro
00:01:52 Green Lantern #41
00:18:39 Sinestro #12
00:31:08 Listener feedback / Green Lantern casting news
00:51:05 Green Lantern: The Lost Army #1
01:09:35 Closing