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Dec 30, 2012

In this episode of the Podcast of Oa hosts Bill Giancoli and Myron Rumsey discuss Green Lantern Corps #15, Green Lantern: New Guardians #15 and Green Lantern #15. We also chat a little about the Bizzaro World Green Lantern and the origins of the First Lantern.

The Podcast of Oa is the official podcast of the Blog of Oa...

Dec 18, 2012

This special episode of the Podcast of Oa is the fourth in our DVD commentary tracks for Green Lantern: The Animated Series. Co-hosts Bill Giancoli and Myron Rumsey share their thoughts on Episode 4, "Into the Abyss". In this episode the Green Lanterns are called upon to save a cargo ship caught in a dangerous black...

Dec 9, 2012

In this episode of the Podcast of Oa hosts Bill Giancoli and Myron Rumsey discuss Green Lantern Corps #13, Green Lantern: New Guardians #14 and Red Lanterns #14. We also share two recent emails and talk about more bold predictions for the future of the Corps and using Kickstarter funding.

The Podcast of Oa is the...

Dec 1, 2012

This special episode of the Podcast of Oa is the second in our DVD commentary tracks for Green Lantern: The Animated Series. Co-hosts Bill Giancoli and Myron Rumsey share their thoughts on Episode 3, "Razer's Edge".

In this episode Hal and Kilowog are ordered to drop the captured Red Lantern Razer off at a prison...

Nov 17, 2012

In this episode of the Podcast of Oa hosts Bill Giancoli and Myron Rumsey discuss Red Lanterns #13 and Green Lantern #14. We also talk about the unaired Green Lantern: The Animated Series episode "Steam Lantern" which was temporary released to several digital outlets. All this plus listener feedback and a new contest...